SILGA awards RDCO for flood mitigation strategy
Posted on Monday, May 16, 2022 09:44 AM
The Regional District of Central Okanagan has received the Community Excellence Award for Environmental Sustainability from the Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA).
The award was presented during the recent annual SILGA conference in Salmon Arm.
The RDCO was recognized for its collaborative effort in developing a Regional Flood Mitigation Strategy as part of the on-going Floodplain Management Plan. The project involved extensive input from all local governments, First Nations,...
Regional Board meeting highlights - May 12
Posted on Friday, May 13, 2022 08:10 AM
Election Officers and bylaw updated
The Regional Board has appointed the officials that will conduct the Electoral Area Directors and school trustee elections in the Central Okanagan East and Central Okanagan West Electoral Areas. Corporate Officer Karen Needham is the Chief Election Officer while Corie Griffiths and Sandi Horning are Deputy Chief Election Officers. The Board also adopted a new Election and Assent Voting Bylaw which authorizes expanded mail ballot voting for all eligible electoral...
Bears are back - be responsible with your trash
Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 02:58 PM
Central Okanagan residents have a role in reducing potential wildlife conflicts.
The Regional Waste Reduction Office encourages residents to keep neighbourhoods safe by managing anything that attracts bears and other wildlife around your home, including your household garbage.
Conservation Officers report bears are already active in many neighborhoods across the region, accessing garbage carts as a food source, so it’s time to be extra vigilant and do your part to reduce wildlife conflicts:
Indicators show strong job growth
Posted on Monday, May 09, 2022 09:11 AM
The Central Okanagan Economic Indicators for quarter one of 2022 provide a snapshot of the Region’s economy from January to March 2022.
“The Q1 2022 Economic Indicators show a continued strong resurgence in the Central Okanagan economy with airport passengers up 270.1% and job postings up 44.4% compared to Q1 2021” says COEDC Manager, Krista Mallory. “Housing starts and building permit values are down compared to a 251% surge in building permit values in Q1 2021 largely attributed to a rush...

Parks e-newsletter - May 2022
Posted on Wednesday, May 04, 2022 12:28 PM
The latest parks e-newsletter for is now available. You'll find the park news, project information, as well as park programs and events for May. If you’d like to receive this e-newsletter straight to your inbox, sign-up at: