Regional Board meeting highlights - October 19
Posted on Monday, October 23, 2023 10:15 AM
Public hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 871-232
A public hearing was held for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.871-232, to improve the zoning bylaw’s clarity and alignment with RDCO policies and current legislation. The Board considered input from community members and following deliberations, the Board asked that staff review options for fencing regulations and bring them forward at a later date.
Public hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 871-279 for 4401 Westside Road
A public hearing was held...
Regional Board meeting highlights - Oct. 5
Posted on Thursday, October 05, 2023 03:42 PM
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 871-279 for 4401 Westside Road
The Regional Board gave first reading to a text amendment to the Small Lot Country Residential Zone (RU5) to help facilitate a bare land strata subdivision of Shelter Cove into 36 lots. A public hearing is scheduled for October 19, 2023.
Variance Permit for RDCO Subdivision Servicing Bylaw No. 1397 for 4401 Westside RoadThe Regional Board approved a Variance Permit for the Subdivision Servicing Bylaw No. 1397, changing the servicing...
Regional Board meeting highlights - Aug. 3
Posted on Friday, August 04, 2023 08:25 AM
Development Variance Permit – 6435 Langley Court
The Regional Board approved the issuance of a Development Variance Permit for 6435 Langley Court to allow an increase from 8.0 metres to 13.36 metres for the maximum height of an accessory building.
UBCM Complete Communities Grant Application
The Regional Board supported a $150,000 Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Complete Communities grant application for the Regional Employment Lands Inventory study. The purpose of the study is to...
Regional Board meeting highlights - July 6, 2023
Posted on Friday, July 07, 2023 01:19 PM
Appointment of the Chief Administrative Officer
The Regional Board rescinded the appointment of Brian Reardon, following his retirement, and appointed Sally Ginter as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Regional District of Central Okanagan.
Temporary Use Permit - 4690 Trepanier Road
The Regional Board did not support the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit for an outdoor storage facility at 4690 Trepanier Road. The Board cited concerns about emergency egress and a lack of community support in...
Regional Board meeting highlights - June 15, 2023
Posted on Monday, June 19, 2023 08:34 AM
Commercial Development Permit and Development Variance Permit – 10325 Westside Road
The Regional Board approved the issuance of a Commercial Development Permit for a small retail operation in a prefabricated building at 10325 Westside Road. The Board also approved variances to Bylaw No. 871, which removed the requirement for parking and loading areas to be surfaced and the requirement for a solid screen along the northeastern property boundary.
Development Permit Cancellation (DP-21-18)