Mosquito Control catch basin treatments
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 10:06 AM
The second round of catch basin mosquito control hits many Central Okanagan neighbourhoods next week.
Weather permitting from Monday, July 25 through Friday, July 29, Regional District Mosquito Control program crew wearing high visibility vests will be driving scooters or vehicles with Mosquito Control signage, dropping water soluble pouches containing an environmentally approved mosquito larvicide into the roadside catch basins.
Approximately 12,000 roadside catch basins will be treated as part...
KGH to get new ORs
Posted on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 08:30 AM
People in the Interior will soon see an increase in surgical capacity as Interior Health adds five new operating rooms (OR): two at Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) and three at Royal Inland Hospital (RIH) in Kamloops, along with increased supports for staff.
“We have made tremendous progress towards rescheduling and completing surgical procedures postponed in the Interior due to the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental emergencies and staff redeployments,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “This investment...
Swimming Advisory lifted at Reiswig Regional Park
Posted on Saturday, July 16, 2022 01:30 PM
A Swimming/Beach Water Quality Advisory in place since July 4 has been removed for Reiswig Regional Park on Wood Lake in Lake Country.
The most recent bacterial water test results are again within acceptable Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality allowing swimming at the waterfront park.
Each summer, Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) staff collect water samples from a number of regional beaches for Interior Health to test and analyze.
Beach water quality can fluctuate due to...
Greenway update and Glen Canyon closure
Posted on Friday, July 15, 2022 02:35 PM
A section of the Mission Creek Greenway recreational trail is open once again for visitors.
RDCO parks staff have completed some trail flood-damage erosion repairs and realignment between the Peck Road entrance upstream to the Hollywood Road parking area and entrance to Scenic Canyon Regional Park.
This spring’s freshet left behind several major trail washouts and impacted rip-rap protection near the structures of the Friends, Cedar and Smoothing Stone bridges and will require more extensive repairs. ...
Regional Board meeting highlights - July 14
Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2022 01:50 PM
Proposed Board remuneration review
The Regional Board supports an interim review of its remuneration bylaw and policy for consideration by the end of September. It’s recommended by staff that any amendments would take effect in January 2023 for elected and appointed Directors of the next Regional Board. It’s also suggested that a more comprehensive, formal review would take place in 2024, outside of a local government election year.
Development Cost Charge adjustments