Dog license renewal deadline
Posted on Friday, February 25, 2022 08:09 AM
Central Okanagan dog owners can save $20 by renewing or purchasing a new dog licence for 2022 before Monday, February 28.
Until the end of the month, a licence for a dog that’s spayed or neutered costs $20. If the dog isn’t spayed or neutered the fee is $60. On March 1, licenses return to the regular annual rates of $40 and $80.
The Responsible Dog Ownership Bylaw requires all dogs to be licensed in the Central Okanagan and in 2021, over 23,000 were. A licence makes it easy to return a dog to its...
Cash-in on Wood Stove Exchange rebates
Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2022 09:05 AM
Rebates of up to $1500 are available for Central Okanagan residents that recycle an old wood burning appliance with newer, cleaner burning technology. Upgrading outdoor wood boilers is now included in the rebate program along with increased incentives for Westbank First Nation members.
There are six participating Central Okanagan retailers that will recycle your old wood burner and handle all the necessary paperwork for the applicable rebate through the Regional District of Central Okanagan Air Quality...
Yard waste pick up back on
Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 01:20 PM
It may feel a little chilly for gardening season just yet, but yard waste collection is back on! Starting Tuesday March 1, all residents receiving curbside garbage/recycling collection will also benefit from yard waste pick up every two weeks until the end of December.
Waste Reduction Facilitator Rae Stewart says, “Now is the time to look inside your yard waste cart. Make sure to take out any materials that don’t belong and may have landed in there by mistake over the winter months - things like...
Help plan the future vision for Kalamoir Regional Park
Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 08:35 AM
What will Kalamoir Regional Park look like in 2042?
Central Okanagan residents are invited to help the Regional District of Central Okanagan draft a new plan to guide management of the 27.6-hectare waterfront park.
Visit to get involved and complete a survey, sharing how you use the park now and your thoughts on what priorities the RDCO should consider in the new park management plan. The survey is open until March 15. If you create a account, you...
Regional Board meeting highlights - Feb. 17
Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2022 12:16 PM
The Regional Board has adopted a new Procedures bylaw. This bylaw updates the previous one from 2010 and reflects changes regarding electronic meetings and participation, clarified and simplified language and aligns with Provincial legislation.
The Regional Board is participating in scheduled workshops to assist in developing an effective, coordinated framework for advancing its Strategic Priorities when advocating for funding...