Applications are one of the important tools that the Regional District uses to evaluate proposals and make land use decisions. The Province of British Columbia legislation includes certain requirements the Regional District must meet. The Development Applications Procedures | Bylaw No. 1527 of the Regional District incorporates those requirements and outlines the procedure each application is required to abide by.
The following are applications and application guides for the various land use policies and regulations overseen by staff in our Development & Engineering Services department. The guides are intended to help explain how applications are handled but are not a detailed review of the process. Please contact staff for a pre-application meeting prior to making a formal application as they will be pleased to provide information and answer questions. Simply submitting an application does not guarantee that a proposal or amendment will ultimately be approved by the Regional Board.
Please note that professional reports are required to support some applications.
View the Development Application Fees and Charges | Bylaw 1483 that specifies the fees for each type of application.
Public consultation information
Agricultural land commission applications and referrals |
Applications related to property located within the provincial agricultural land reserve (exclusion, inclusion, non-farm use, subdivision). |
Crown land application (referrals from the Province) |
Referrals from the Province requesting comments on applications they receive for the use, sale or lease of Crown Land. |
Development permit application |
An application required by the policies of the Official Community Plan to ensure development meets specific community objectives and goals for:
In addition to completing the application form below, you must download, fill out and submit the site disclosure statement from the Ministry of Environment. Refer to the application form or contact Community Services staff for information on additional application requirements.
The following links are to handouts for each particular development permit and are intended to expand on the information provided in the guide: |
Development variance permit application |
An application to change a certain regulation for a particular property (or properties) because of circumstances specific to that site. Refer to the application form or contact Community Services staff for information on additional application requirements. |
Floodplain exemption application |
This is a request to the Regional Board to exempt construction from floodplain regulations in Zoning Bylaw No. 871. In addition to completing the application form below, you must submit the site disclosure statement from the Ministry of Environment. Refer to the application form or contact Community Services staff for information on additional application requirements. |
Joe Rich rural land use bylaw amendment application |
An application to change from one designation to another, thereby allowing a different set of land uses of a property. In addition to completing the application form below, you must submit the site disclosure statement from the Ministry of Environment. Refer to the application form or contact Community Services staff for information on additional application requirements. |
Rezoning and official community plan amendment application |
An application to change from one zone in Zoning Bylaw | No. 871 to another, thereby allowing a different set of land uses on a property, or an application to change from one designation to another. In addition to completing the application form below, you must submit the site disclosure statement from the Ministry of Environment. Refer to the application form or contact Community Services staff for information on additional application requirements. |
Sand and gravel extraction application (referrals from the Province) |
Referrals may be received from the Province of BC requesting comments on applications it receives for the extraction and processing of sand, gravel and rock. Please note that applications are made to the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, not the Regional District of Central Okanagan office. The Ministry may refer such applications to the Regional District of Central Okanagan for comment from its Board, Departments and Advisory Committees or Commissions. The Ministry makes final decisions on applications it receives for sand and gravel extraction permits. |
Secondary suites – Joe Rich |
An application to amend Joe Rich Rural Land Use Bylaw No. 1195 to allow a secondary suite. Your property must have the necessary land use designation to allow a secondary suite. In addition to completing the application form below, you must submit the site disclosure statement from the Ministry of Environment. Refer to the application form or contact Community Services staff for information on additional application requirements. |
Subdivision application referrals |
A subdivision application refers to an application to create two or more properties from one original parcel. Adjusting property lines or consolidating existing properties is also considered a form of subdivision. Subdivision applications are made with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure office and referred to the Regional District of Central Okanagan office.
Links to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure |
Temporary use permit application |
An application to permit a temporary use on a property. Refer to the application form or contact Planning Services staff for information on additional application requirements. In addition to completing the application form below, you must submit the site disclosure statement from the Ministry of Environment. Refer to the application form or contact Community Services staff for information on additional application requirements. |
Wildfire development permit/covenant |
The following links include relevant information for each of the following Official Community Plan (OCP) areas: