If you are currently experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
When to call 9-1-1?
- Only call in the event of an emergency (when someone's health, safety or property is threatened or a crime is in progress)
- A call to 9-1-1 will connect you to an operator who will then contact the police, fire and/or ambulance
- Learn more about when to call 9-1-1
- Don't let non-emergencies compete with real ones
Who to call in a non-emergency
Non-emergencies are situations or events that do not require immediate attention but do eventually need police assistance. The number you call is based on your location.
Find a non-emergency phone number
Examples of non-emergency situations
- Non-emergency incidents in progress (e.g., noisy party or drug use).
- Reporting a crime with no suspect (e.g., stolen licence plate or bicycle).
- Reporting a crime with a suspect, who is not on the scene (e.g., fraud).
- Reporting a serious crime with a lengthy delay (e.g., assault that occurred last night).
- Ongoing criminal activity or crimes not in-progress (e.g., graffiti or drug dealing with no suspect on scene).
- Suspicious circumstances that may indicate an ongoing criminal activity (e.g., suspected drug lab).
How it works
Our 9-1-1 service is contracted to E-Comm, the largest 9-1-1 centre in BC. They administer the 9-1-1 Public Safety Answer Point (PSAP) program for our regional district, as well as eight other regional districts in BC. Their highly trained call takers are dedicated professionals who receive the initial 9-1-1 call. Then the call is transferred to the appropriate local public safety agency
If you are looking to access information from a past 9-1-1 call, you can make a Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) request through E-Comm.
Text with 9-1-1
This specialized texting service is available for people who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired. You must register your device for text to 9-1-1 to work. Learn all about texting 9-1-1 on the E-Comm website or register online at TextWith911.ca.