Citizen survey
Surveying is an excellent tool to gather citizen feedback, determine citizen priorities, and to gauge resident satisfaction with current RDCO programs and services.
The citizen survey provides a snapshot of citizen perceptions and priorities and is:
- One of several inputs that can be used by the Regional Board to help inform decisions about corporate priorities and budget allocation
- A statistically valid community pulse, fulfilling the Regional Growth Strategy’s requirement for community measures
- An opportunity for residents to identify the community issues most important to them
- A representative view of how residents feel about the RDCO’s performance
A representative view of resident satisfaction with services, their priorities, and their overall perception of quality of life in their community
2022 survey results
The RDCO conducted its first regional citizen survey from October 27 to November 16, 2022. Data was collected by Ipsos through a randomly sampled, 12-15 minute telephone survey with 700 surveys completed. ,
Key survey results are largely positive with:
- 94% of residents reporting their overall quality of life as good
- 94% of residents reporting they are satisfied with the overall level of RDCO services they receive
- 79% of residents reporting they get good value for their taxes.