Recovery information
In late summer 2021 the White Rock Lake Wildfire impacted the communities Central Okanagan West Electoral Area off of Westside Road near the northern boundary of the Regional District of Central Okanagan.
Regional District of Central Okanagan staff and resources are available to assist in the recovery of neighbourhoods impacted by the fire and to help residents who suffered property damage or loss.
Assessments have confirmed that 75 properties in the Estamont, Killiney Beach and Beau Park areas sustained significant damage. Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) staff have confirmed property owners and notified them directly. No structures in Westshore Estates have been identified as lost or significantly damaged.
Area hazardous conditions assessments |
Here are links to the information reports, presentations and assessments: |
Counselling and Mental Health Resources |
There are a number of agencies available for residents in need of counselling services as a result of the anxiety and stresses posed by the wildfire and recovery efforts. It's important to know that no matter how you are feeling, you are not alone and there is help.
Debris management program |
This program was created by the RDCO with funding support from the Canadian Red Cross and Emergency Management BC and is now complete. We recognized the importance of removing debris from impacted properties such as ash, contaminated soil and concrete and hazard trees that may impact public safety and future rebuilding. Our case workers contacted over 50 residents that were directly impacted by the wildfire for their possible interest in our debris management and/or hazard tree reimbursement program. The Canadian Red Cross reviewed the insurance policies of 21 property owners that indicated they were interested in the program and determined that 15 were eligible for assistance with managing debris or hazard trees. The RDCO provided its' first debris management reimbursement cheque in late May and by the end of 2022, had issued over $163,556 to eligible property owners to help them deal with the costs associated with removing contaminated soil, concrete and hazard trees resulting from the wildfire. The local area concrete and large wood debris disposal site that was established in late April along the Sugar Loaf Mountain Forest Service Road certainly helped reduce hauling costs for residents. Over 548 tons of concrete and 178 tons of contaminated soil were deposited. 230 hazard trees were removed through this program. The site is now closed and is not accepting any further debris loads. It's anticipated that some of the collected materials will be recycled and used locally. The concrete will be crushed and hopefully utilized as a base for a proposed expansion of the North Westside transfer station. |
Fees and permits relief |
The Regional Board has adopted amendments to the fees and charges bylaws for the Killiney Beach, Westshore Estates and Upper Fintry, Shalal Road, Valley of the Sun water systems to provide some partial water fee relief for customers impacted by White Rock Lake wildfire evacuations. With the changes, customers of these water systems did not have to pay a substantial portion of the basic user and consumption fees of utility bills from August 1 through September 30, 2021.
Any customer of those systems with questions about their utility billing may contact our Finance staff at 250-469-6239.
Flooding - Landslide information |
Wildfires may increase possible risks associated with flooding and landslides. The following links provide information for property owners to consider in their emergency preparedness.
Insurance |
For those requiring assistance with residential insurance there are two options available:
Insurance tips for wildfire emergency preparedness and recovery |
Red Cross |
The Canadian Red Cross is providing assistance and support in many areas to help people impacted by the 2021 wildfires including:
It's important for any affected resident to register in order to receive assistance. Visit for more information. In November 2021, the Red Cross provided updated recovery support assistance information which includes:
The Red Cross is contacting people who lost their primary residents or under mandatory evacuation order to assess their unique needs and discuss next steps. |
Rebuilding and redevelopment |
For any Planning or Land Use related inquiries, please contact RDCO Planning Services staff at 250-469-6227 or For any Building Permit or Inspections related inquiries, please contact RDCO Inspections Services staff at 250-469-6211 or Community Services Building and Inspections staff continue to work with individual property owners impacted by the wildfire. As of January 2023, 46 Demolition permit applications have been received and approved and 35 completed. In addition, 36 building permit applications have been received and 34 been issued. Six Development permit applications have been received and approved. Four Temporary recreational vehicle permits applications have been received and approved. It's important for affected property owners with fire damage to contact our staff in order to make an application. A demolition permit is the first step in the process to ensure proper waste disposal and that any remediation requirements are met, prior to any construction taking place.
The Regional Board waived fees for Demolition and Temporary Building permits for residents affected by the fire. It also approved extending the Temporary Building permit use of a recreational vehicle as temporary dwelling to two years from one, on a property that is actively under post-wildfire construction. Water Pit Meters were/are being provided to residents that lost their homes, at no cost, through a program, funded by EMBC and the Canadian Red Cross. |
Contact Us
RDCO staff are available to help you Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone 250-469-6111
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