Taking recommended FireSmart actions could earn Central Okanagan electoral area property owners a rebate for their efforts.
The FireSmart program is available for property owners in communities and neighbourhoods in the Central Okanagan East and Central Okanagan West electoral areas.
To get started, visit the program webpage: rdco.com/firesmart. Schedule an appointment with the RDCO FireSmart coordinator. They will provide a personalized property assessment with recommended actions that will help reduce the potential fire hazard on the property. The coordinator will also answer any questions residents may have about FireSmart practices and the rebate program.
A maximum rebate of up to $500 is available for 50% of the costs of labour and supplies for those who take the recommended FireSmart actions. A limited number of rebates are available.
Science-based FireSmart principles and practises are the best and most cost-effective way to increase a home’s survivability from wildfire.
FireSmart disciplines are proven to help residents reduce the fire danger around their home and property. By removing potential fire hazards on and around buildings and managing vegetation in zones on a property residents can help protect their homes, neighbourhoods and vital natural resources from wildfire.
The RDCO has received a $250,000 grant from the Union of BC Municipalities Community Resiliency Investment Fund for FireSmart Community Funding and Support. The RDCO is contributing $30,000 to cover additional costs associated with the program and activities which also include developing fuel management prescriptions for high priority areas in three regional parks and completing a fuel reduction project in Kalamoir Regional Park.