A section of the Mission Creek Greenway recreational trail is open once again for visitors.
RDCO parks staff have completed some trail flood-damage erosion repairs and realignment between the Peck Road entrance upstream to the Hollywood Road parking area and entrance to Scenic Canyon Regional Park.
This spring’s freshet left behind several major trail washouts and impacted rip-rap protection near the structures of the Friends, Cedar and Smoothing Stone bridges and will require more extensive repairs. As result, the trail remains closed until further notice from the Scenic Canyon entrance at Hollywood Road south, upstream to the Field Road Saskatoon trail access.
Visitors are asked to please respect fencing and barricades that are in place while work is underway to restore trail access through this area. As well, for their safety and protection of the natural ecosystem, regional park users are asked to stay on designated and marked trails.
RDCO Parks Services also advises that starting Monday, July 18 trail and infrastructure upgrades will be done in Glen Canyon Regional Park in West Kelowna. The park will be closed for approximately two weeks between the Aberdeen Road entrance and Highway 97.
There are more than 2,100 hectares of parkland available to discover in 30 regional and 20 RDCO community parks for visitors to connect with nature. Find all the locations at rdco.com/parks.
For more information contact Parks Services at 250-469-6232 or email parks@rdco.com.