Information and presentations on two initial environmental and hazardous condition assessments done in the wake of the White Rock Lake wildfire are available for residents.
The Regional Board was presented with the two assessments today. One was done by the Provincial government, looking at the greater areas burned within the RDCO, Okanagan Indian Band and Regional District of North Okanagan. The second assessment of environmental and hazardous conditions was completed by the RDCO and focused on a number of properties within the Killiney Beach and Estamont areas that sustained significant damage and structural loss.
While each assessment is independent, they are connected as they highlight impacted areas that are now at low, medium and high risk for potential flooding or slides, based on the severity of the wildfire, hydrology and geo-technical hazards in these areas.
These studies are an important part of the ongoing efforts by the Regional District to assist residents through the recovery and rebuilding process. For those rebuilding, current local government bylaws and provincial regulations must be met and for some, further geo-technical assessments may still be required. This information will also help with emergency preparedness and mitigation education and awareness for property owners and residents in areas most significantly impacted by the wildfire.
The assessments outline recommendations for short-term actions by residents, the RDCO and the Provincial Government including:
- Public education and awareness of risks
- Preparation for increased runoff on private land and public roads
- Protection of public assets and infrastructure.
To view the assessments and information about the RDCO Recovery program visit