January - March spending approved
The Regional Board has approved the carryover of some budgeted 2021 projects to the first three months of 2022. These projects were either not started or are in the process of completion. In addition, a number of 2021 - 2025 Financial Plan amendments were approved to include new projects in 2022 or allow for changes to existing 2022 projects, prior to approval of the 2022 – 2026 Financial Plan.
Fire Service Agreements Renewed
The Regional Board has approved the five-year renewal of fire service agreements between the RDCO and City of Kelowna. The Ellison Fire Department will continue to provide service to the Country Rhodes subdivision within the city boundary, while the City of Kelowna Fire Department will continue providing service to the June Springs and Lakeshore Road fire service areas within the Central Okanagan East Electoral Area. Each agreement runs through December 2027.
The Regional Board has received a presentation outlining the ongoing successes of the non-profit Central Okanagan Crime Stoppers program. In April this year, the organization will mark 35 years of providing crime fighting and crime solving programs in the Central Okanagan. Since its inception in 1987, Crime Stoppers has received over 30,000 anonymous tips which have assisted with the arrest of nearly 3,000 criminals and approved almost $325,000 in rewards. Crime Stoppers is best known for its 1-800-222-8477 anonymous tips phone line or its confidential and secure tip submission through crimestoppers.net.
Regional District office – 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna (Woodhaven Boardroom) – Limited public attendance allowed with health orders on public gatherings.
- Thursday, February 10 – 8:30 a.m.
- Monday, February 28 – 7 p.m.
Live/Recorded meeting video
When a meeting begins, a live stream video link will be available in the Upcoming Meeting agenda section of the RDCO website. When available, a link to the meeting recording will be posted in the Past Meetings section for the individual meeting date. Links at rdco.com/agenda