North Westside Restructure Planning Grant
The Regional Board has received a report confirming the Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs has approved a grant to facilitate a governance and services study for North Westside communities. While this is not an incorporation study, the $60,000 grant will assist the RDCO in educating and engaging with residents on facets of governance and services, their concerns and interests and to identify options within the regional district framework to address the most pressing interests in the area. A Terms of Reference will be confirmed for the study including formation of a study committee of representatives recommended by the Electoral Area Director and approved by the Board. It’s envisioned that the committee will work with a skilled consultant to help facilitate and complete the study with a final report expected for Board consideration by September 2022.
2022 – 2026 Financial Plan timeline
The Regional Board has received an update on the process and timelines for the 2022 – 2026 Financial Plan. The first draft of the preliminary budget will be presented with an opportunity for public input on February 17. The next review for the Board and public comment opportunity will take place at a meeting March 10. Final consideration of the Board and adoption of the Financial Plan bylaw is scheduled for Monday evening March 28. Budget information and online feedback will be available in advance of the meetings at
2020 Climate Action GHG Emissions Report
The Regional Board has received the 2020 Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program report. During the past year corporate and community-wide efforts were undertaken by the RDCO to help reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The full report is available for viewing online at The RDCO is a signatory of the BC Climate Action Charter and is eligible to apply for a carbon tax grant under the provincial program.
2022 Regional Board Regular Meeting Schedule
Regional District office – 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna (Woodhaven Boardroom) – Limited public attendance allowed with health orders on public gatherings
- Thursday, November 4 – Inaugural Statutory meeting at 8:30 a.m. prior to Governance & Services Committee meeting
- Monday, November 22 – 7 p.m.