Once Halloween is over and your pumpkin decorations have had their time to shine, you can give them a whole new life.
Pumpkins are a great addition to a backyard composter as they’re high in nitrogen. If you cut them in smaller chunks with your fall leaves, they’ll break down much faster than throwing the whole pumpkin in. Next spring you’ll have a nutrient-rich soil amendment to add to your garden.
If you don’t compost, you can place your pumpkins into your curbside yard waste cart for your next pickup. Curbside yard waste collection continues until the end of December. If your pumpkins are still in good condition, consider using them in baking or soup making.
Another Halloween tip: while the candy wrappers your trick-or-treaters bring home can’t go in your curbside recycling cart, you can return them to your nearest recycling depot as part of the flexible packaging recycling program.
For more information on composting, what goes in your yard waste cart and recycling, visit rdco.com/recycle, email recycle@rdco.com or call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250-469-6250.