This webpage is for individuals or groups that wish to make a formal presentation to our Regional Board. This is called making a delegation. Those wishing to appear before the Regional Board or Committee as a delegation should refer to the Regional District of Central Okanagan delegation/presentation policy.
Before you request to make a presentation
We suggest that citizens first discuss their concern/issue with Regional District staff. They are often able to provide valuable background information and perhaps recommend the appropriate next steps without having to go to the Board. Staff will also ensure that the concern is within the jurisdiction of the Regional District. If the subject is one that requires Board attention, staff can also help with information that will ensure a meaningful and constructive interaction.
Request to present
Write a request to make a presentation directed at the Corporate Officer using the delegation request form (appendix 1 of policy)
- Requests must be received no later than two (2) weeks prior to the Regional Board or Board Committee meetings
- You will be notified if your request has been accepted or declined
- If approved, please forward any supporting documentation for publication in the agenda no later than the Tuesday, of the week prior to the Board or Committee meeting at which you will be appearing
Length of your presentation
- Presentations are limited to ten (10) minutes regardless of the number of representatives of the group wishing to speak
- Only two (2) presentations are allowed per board meeting
Tips for a successful presentation
- The Chair will invite delegations to the speaker's podium to make their presentation.
- Comments at the Board meeting should be directed to the Chair
- Address the Chair as “Chair last name” i.e. Chair Smith
- Address Directors as “Director last name” i.e. Director Smith
- Practice your presentation beforehand
- Be clear and concise
- At the close of the delegation, the Board may make a decision or refer the item to the appropriate department for further action, input or advice
- Please be aware that Board and Committee meetings may be recorded
Contact us
Karen Needham
Corporate Officer
1450 KLO Road
Kelowna, BC, Canada V1W 3Z4
Phone 250-469-6224
Fax 250-763-0606
Send email to the Corporate Officer
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