Electoral Area residents can use this Property Tax Estimator tool to check the estimated taxes you will pay in the upcoming year for the services the RDCO delivers to you. You can also compare the estimate with what you actually paid last year.
The estimate is based on assessed values provided by BC Assessment. The estimate includes taxes for the RDCO services you receive, as well as parcel taxes. Utility fees for water and the taxes collected for other taxing authorities (i.e. schools and police) are not included in this calculator. For more information on RDCO water systems and to get an estimate of your water bill, visit rdco.com/water.
Special notes
- Property estimates for properties with combined residential and farm classes (Class 1 and 9) are coming soon! You won't see them in the results at this time.
- The data in the tool below is based on the draft 2025-2029 Financial Plan presented to the Regional Board on January 16, 2025. Board requests for changes/reductions will be incorporated and reflected in the tool on/before January 30, 2025. For more information about the changes visit yoursay.rdco.com.
- This is only an estimate. Where the results generated by the calculator differ from those shown on your tax notice, the figures on your tax notice will be treated as correct.
Get started
To look up your information, select the year in the top left corner of the screen and then add your property address to the search bar. Click enter.
Data last updated: January 15, 2025
Next update expected: January 30, 2025