The Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) is a long-range planning tool to help Regional Districts and local governments plan a coordinated future for their communities while dealing with regional issues and decisions that cross local political boundaries.
Related documents
- Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1336
- Regional Growth Strategy Priority Projects Plan
- Regional Growth Strategy Monitoring Program
Our regional vision |
The Regional Growth Strategy is also a collective vision from the regional partners for the future. It is a directional document which allows each member municipality the ability to choose how they will implement the future direction into their land use decisions. |
Our vision statement |
“The Central Okanagan is a region of urban and rural communities that are interconnected, distinct, healthy, vibrant and welcoming. The citizens, businesses, First Nations Councils and local governments understand and accept that they are individually and jointly responsible to effectively and efficiently manage the Region's future growth that ensures the health and well-being of its residents. Together and from this time forward, the citizens and governments of the Central Okanagan will work in partnership to promote a complete healthy region with a sustainable and diversified economy that provides a range of economic opportunities while protecting the natural environment and water resources for today's and tomorrow's residents.” |
What's next? |
Being accountable for progress towards achieving the goals of the RGS requires a commitment to implementation. Many projects have been completed or are underway supporting RGS priorities in environmental, transportation, water stewardship, economic and other areas. With the regional partners working cooperatively, an action plan to outline priority initiatives intended to implement the RGS was developed. Each year, the Regional Board considers the recommended projects and approves resources on a case-by-case basis. |
Frequently asked questions
What is a regional growth strategy? |
The Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) is a vision of the region, adopted by the Board of Directors of the RDCO, to establish the economic, social and environmental objectives that promote healthy communities. The objectives of the strategy provide guidance to the member municipalities, electoral areas and the Regional District in the development of local Official Community Plans and other bylaws. |
What is the RDCO's regional growth strategy? |
The RDCO adopted RGS Bylaw No. 1336 on June 23, 2014. The strategy defines a common vision, regional goals, priorities and strategies for local jurisdictions to manage growth for the region over the 20-year horizon. Environmental, social and economic objectives are outlined in the strategy for member municipalities to incorporate into their Official Community Plans. The Local Government Act (LGA) prescribes the process and content for the RGS. |
What is the purpose of having one? |
The purpose of a Regional Growth Strategy is to promote human settlement that is socially, economically and environmentally healthy and that makes efficient use of public facilities and services, land and other resources. The Regional Growth Strategy aims to establish a more sustainable pattern of population growth and development in the region over a twenty-year period, keeping urban settlement compact, protecting the integrity of rural and resource areas, protecting the environment, and increasing servicing efficiency. |
What does it do? |
The Regional Growth Strategy provides direction in the development of policy for Official Community Plans and bylaws of the member municipalities, electoral areas, and the Regional District. The Regional Growth Strategy commits all local governments to a shared vision, and requires the consent of all member municipalities for implementation. Subsequent Official Community Plans must include Regional Context Statements to confirm how the plan conforms to the objectives of the Regional Growth Strategy. |
What does it not do? |
A Regional Growth Strategy cannot regulate land use within member municipalities and electoral areas. The intent of the Regional Growth Strategy is to provide for a common vision for the entire region, in terms of growth management, housing, the environment, and transportation. The Regional Growth Strategy allows municipalities flexibility in the implementation of the objectives of the plan, and only specifies the content to be included in local bylaws. |
What's not addressed in a regional growth strategy? |
The RGS does not make land use decisions for a municipality or jurisdiction. The RGS provides policies to direct population growth to promote human settlement. These policies are to be reflected in the member municipalities OCP's where the development approvals and land use decisions remain. |
Why do we need a regional growth strategy? |
A RGS provides an opportunity for collaboration within the region for creation of a shared vision to preserve regional quality of life, the region needed a coordinated approach for addressing the management of this growth and its related challenges. The RGS identifies what is valued in the region and identifies the impacts the increase in population will have, and how future growth is to be managed. The RGS provides a framework for agreements among jurisdictions on matters such as major public works, in order to help shape long term development patterns in a sustainable manner. Rapid population growth raised concerns about worsening traffic, loss of open space, natural areas and agricultural lands, increased costs of services, and changing neighbourhoods. Since the impacts of growth cross jurisdictional boundaries, the Regional Growth Strategy coordinates the policy between the Regional District, member municipalities and electoral areas to ensure consistency in the direction of different jurisdictions. |
What are the benefits of implementing a regional growth strategy? |
The implementation of a RGS encourages discussion, coordination and cooperation among jurisdictions and member municipalities on many regional issues. In addition, the RGS can provide a framework for attracting provincial investment, so that capital spending is consistent with the overall regional vision. |
Who makes the major decisions and who advises on the regional growth strategy? |
The RDCO Board is ultimately responsible for major project decisions on the process and content of the Regional Growth Strategy. |
What are the regional issues dealt within the regional growth strategy? |
The RGS deals with a broad range of region-wide and inter-jurisdictional issues, including housing, transportation, economic development, environmental protection, water resources, air quality and regional governance and service delivery. |
How is it monitored? |
The Provincial legislation requires the establishment of a program to monitor the implementation of the Regional Growth Strategy and resulting progress made towards achieving its objectives. Annual reports are prepared and updates are provided to the Board. The RDCO has a statutory obligation under the LGA to consider, at least once every five years, whether the RGS should be reviewed for possible amendment and to provide opportunity for input into the need for review. |
How does the public contribute to it? |
The Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) legislation establishes the minimum requirements for public consultation required to develop or update a RGS. Throughout the development of a Regional Growth Strategy, the RDCO must provide an opportunity for consultation with stakeholders who are considered to be affected by the RGS. A consultation plan must be prepared that provides for early and continued consultation with Provincial and federal governments, first nations, affected local governments and its citizens. |
What is the relationship between the growth strategy, sustainability and climate change? |
The Regional Growth Strategy can provide an appropriate planning framework for addressing sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Each aspect is about improving quality of life and protecting the environment in the Central Okanagan. Policies created in the RGS will help local governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve energy and work toward creating more compact and sustainable communities as per the requirements in the Local Government Act (LGA). |
Why is a growth strategy important for achieving goals related to sustainability? |
The Regional Growth Strategy does not just have implications for environmental objectives, but also must address economic and social issues. Each environmental, social and economic objective are important facets of sustainability. Managing the growth of communities has implications for the efficient provisions of services, economic development of communities, providing affordable housing and providing for the stewardship of land and resources. |